

This is a custom task that allows ClarityNLP to execute CQL (Clinical Quality Language) queries embedded in NLPQL files. ClarityNLP directs CQL code to a running instance of the CQL Engine, which processes the CQL and translates it into requests for a FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) server. The FHIR server runs the query and retrieves structured data for a single patient. The data returned from the CQL query appears in the results for the job associated with the NLPQL file.

The CQL query requires several FHIR-related parameters, such as the patient ID, the URL of the FHIR server, and several others to be described below. These parameters can either be specified in the NLPQL file itself or supplied by ClarityNLP as a Service.

Documentsets for Unstructured and Structured Data

ClarityNLP was originally designed to process unstructured text documents. In a typical workflow the user specifies a documentset in an NLPQL file, along with the tasks and NLPQL expressions needed to process the documents. ClarityNLP issues a Solr query to retrieve the matching documents, which it divides into batches. ClarityNLP launches a separate task per batch to process the documents in parallel. The number of tasks spawned by the Luigi scheduler depends on the number of unstructured documents returned by the Solr query. In general, the results obtained include data from multiple patients.

ClarityNLP can also support single-patient structured CQL queries with a few simple modifications to the documentset. For CQL queries the documentset must be specified in the NLPQL file so that it limits the unstructured documents to those for a single patient only. FHIR is essentially a single-patient readonly data retrieval standard. Each patient with data stored on a FHIR server has a unique patient ID. This ID must be used in the documentset statement and in the Clarity.CQLExecutionTask body itself, as illustrated below. The documentset specifies the unstructured data for the patient, and the CQL query specifies the structured data for the patient.

Relevant FHIR Parameters

These parameters are needed to connect to the CQL Engine and the FHIR server, evaluate the CQL statements, and retrieve the results. They can be provided directly as parameters in the CQLExecutionTask statement (see below), or indirectly via ClarityNLPaaS:

Parameter Meaning
fhir_version Either DSTU2 or DSTU3
cql_eval_url URL of the FHIR server’s CQL Execution Service
patient_id Unique ID of patient whose data will be accessed
fhir_data_service_uri FHIR server base URL
cql CQL code surrounded by “”” (triple quotes)

Time Filtering

This task supports a time filtering capability for the CQL query results. Two optional parameters, time_start and time_end, can be used to specify a time window. Any results whose timestamps lie outside of this window will be discarded. If the time window parameters are omitted, all results from the CQL query will be kept.

The time_start and time_end parameters must be quoted strings with syntax as follows:


An optional offset in days can be added or subtracted to these:

LATEST() - 7d
DATE(2010, 7, 15) + 20d

The offset consists of digits followed by a d character, indicating days.

Both ``time_start`` and ``time_end`` are assumed to be expressed in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Here are some time window examples:

1. Discard any results not occurring in March, 2016:

"time_start":"DATE(2016, 03, 01)",
  "time_end":"DATE(2016, 03, 31)"

2. Keep all results within one week of the most recent result:

"time_start":"LATEST() - 7d",

3. Keep all results within a window of 20 days beginning July 4, 2018, at 3 PM:

"time_start":"DATETIME(2018, 7, 4, 15, 0, 0)",
  "time_end":"DATETIME(2018, 7, 4, 15, 0, 0) + 20d"

Note that the strings to the left and right of the colon must be surrounded by quotes.


Here is an example of how to use the CQLExecutionTask directly, without using ClarityNLPaaS. In the text box below there is a documentset creation statement followed by an invocation of the CQLExecutionTask. The documentset consists of all indexed documents for patient 99999 with a source field equal to MYDOCS. These documents are specified explicitly in the CQLExecutionTask invocation that follows, to limit the source documents to those for patient 99999 only.

The task_index parameter is used in an interprocess communication scheme for controlling task execution. ClarityNLP’s Luigi scheduler creates worker task clones in proportion to the number of unstructured documents in the documentset. Only a single task from among the clones should actually connect to the FHIR server, run the CQL query, and retrieve the structured data.

ClarityNLP uses the task_index parameter to identify the single task that should execute the CQL query. Any NLPQL file can contain multiple invocations of Clarity.CQLExecutionTask. Each of these should have a task_index parameter, and they should be numbered sequentially starting with 0. In other words, each define statement containing an invocation of Clarity.CQLExecutionTask should have a unique value for the zero-based task_index. If you limit your CQL use to a single query per NLPQL file, the value of task_index should always be set to 0.

The patient_id parameter identifies the patient whose data will be accessed by the CQL query. This ID should match that specified in the documentset creation statement.

The remaining parameters from the table above are set to values appropriate for GA Tech’s FHIR infrastructure. You should change them to match your FHIR installation.

The cql parameter is a triple-quoted string containing the CQL query. the triple quotes can be comprised of either single or double quotes. This CQL code is assumed to be syntactically correct and is passed to the FHIR server’s CQL evaluation service unaltered. All CQL code should be checked for syntax errors and other problems prior to its use in an NLPQL file.

This example omits the optional time window parameters.

documentset PatientDocs:
     "filter_query":"source:MYDOCS AND subject:99999"

 define WBC:
         documentset: [PatientDocs],
         "task_index": 0,
         cql: """
              library Retrieve2 version '1.0'

              using FHIR version '3.0.0'

              include FHIRHelpers version '3.0.0' called FHIRHelpers

              codesystem "LOINC": ''

              define "WBC": Concept {
                  Code '26464-8' from "LOINC",
                  Code '804-5' from "LOINC",
                  Code '6690-2' from "LOINC",
                  Code '49498-9' from "LOINC"

              context Patient

              define "result":
                  [Observation: Code in "WBC"]

     context Patient;




Name Type Required Notes
documentset documentset Yes Documents for a SINGLE patient only.
task_index int Yes Each CQLExecutionTask statement must have a unique value of this index.
fhir_version str No Either “DSTU2” (default) or “STU3”
patient_id str Yes CQL query executed on FHIR server for this patient.
cql_eval_url str Yes See table above.
fhir_data_service_uri str Yes See table above.
cql triple-quoted str Yes Properly-formatted CQL query, sent verbatim to FHIR server.
time_start str No Optional, discard results with timestamp < time_start
time_end str No Optional, discard results with timestamp > time_end


The specific fields returned by the CQL query are dependent on the type of FHIR resource that contains the data. ClarityNLP can process the FHIR resources in the next table:

FHIR Resource Type

ClarityNLP returns a flattened version of the JSON representation of each resource, the meaning of which is explained here. Essentially, the key for a flattened JSON object contains underscores for each nested object boundary (delimited by the { character), and a numeric index for each array boundary (delimited by the [ character).

To illustrate, consider this JSON object:

    "field4":[{"field5":"value5", "field6":"value6"}],
    "field7":[{"field8":[{"field9":"value9", "field10":"value10"}]}]

The flattened version is:


The FHIR resource data structures can be represented as nested JSON objects. The DSTU2 resources can be found here and the DSTU3 resources can be found here.

For a specific FHIR example, consider the DSTU2 general condition example:

    "resourceType": "Condition",
    "id": "example",
        "status": "generated",
        "div": "<div>Severe burn of left ear (Date: 24-May 2012)</div>"
        "reference": "Patient/example"
                "system": "",
                "code": "39065001",
                "display": "Burn of ear"
        "text": "Burnt Ear"
                "system": "",
                "code": "diagnosis",
                "display": "Diagnosis"
                    "  and also a SNOMED CT coding  "
                "system": "",
                "code": "439401001",
                "display": "Diagnosis"
    "verificationStatus": "confirmed",
                "system": "",
                "code": "24484000",
                "display": "Severe"
    "onsetDateTime": "2012-05-24",
                    "system": "",
                    "code": "49521004",
                    "display": "Left external ear structure"
            "text": "Left Ear"

The flattened version of this example, with quotes removed for clarity, is:

resourceType: Condition
id: example
text_status: generated
text_div: <div xmlns="">Severe burn of left ear (Date: 24-May 2012)</div>
clinicalStatus: active
verificationStatus: confirmed
category_0_coding_0_code: encounter-diagnosis
category_0_coding_0_display: Encounter Diagnosis
category_0_coding_1_code: 439401001
category_0_coding_1_display: Diagnosis
severity_coding_0_code: 24484000
severity_coding_0_display: Severe
code_coding_0_code: 39065001
code_coding_0_display: Burn of ear
code_text: Burnt Ear
bodySite_0_coding_0_code: 49521004
bodySite_0_coding_0_display: Left external ear structure
bodySite_0_text: Left Ear
subject_reference: Patient/example
onsetDateTime: 2012-05-24 00:00:00
date_time: 2012-05-24 00:00:00
len_code_coding: 1
len_severity_coding: 1
len_bodySite: 1
len_bodySite_0_coding: 1
len_category: 1
len_category_0_coding: 2
value_name: Burn of ear

Note the additional fields at the end, such as date_time and the fields prefixed with len_. ClarityNLP adds the date_time field to enable time sorting on the results (see above). The len_ prefixed fields provide the lengths of all lists in the flattened data. These are convenience fields, inserted so that consumers of the data will not have to separately determine the presence and size of the embedded lists.

The exact set of fields returned for the different FHIR resources depends on the nature and complexity of the FHIR server’s data. The documentation for the DSTU2 and DSTU3 resources can be used to interpret the results.

